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lol. mypak, i was born and raised in canada, but my parents are from lahore pakistan. i have been there 4 times, and i've came to the conclusion that there is NO CITY LIKE LAHORE, and no country like Pakistan! simply the best! (in my opinion)

and look people...abida parveen is fat. azra jehan is fat. nusrat fateh ali khan (Allah bakshay!) was fat. u see a pattern?!?! lol. saima is NOT fat NOR is she over weight!!! LOL.

as for u tracker sahib...i already told u, mypak is my tag partner! lol. mypak OBVISOULY has great taste when it comes to choosing good actresses. lol.
Posted 18 Jun 2003


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honestly ustaad jee, i was born and raised in canada, so i don't even know what "gujjar" means. LOL. what is a gujjar?! based on what you're saying, it sounds like a cast in pakistan??

i have not seen the movie with sultan rahi and anjuman, i think u know why. lol. someone is not in it. lol. (j/k).
but when i watch these movies (humayon gujjar, buddah gujjar etc.) i'll let u know if they are making gujjar's look bad.

so what is a gujjar exactly?!
Posted 18 Jun 2003


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how nice of u! lol.

good luck on your search for a job! insha'allah you'll be set soon.

aap ne humayon gujjar, yan pir buddah gujjar dekheen hai ustaad jee?!
Posted 18 Jun 2003


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great! since u all agree with night, can u please explain what the difference is between being fat and over weight, so that i too can make a decision?! LOL.
Posted 18 Jun 2003


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MYPAK, i heard humayon gujjar was a hit as well. do u know who the song "paindi-e-barsaat" was picturized on?! saima or sana? just curious.
Posted 18 Jun 2003


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wats the difference?!?! lol. j/k.

Posted 18 Jun 2003


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ustaad jee is teentracker!

i'am getting my vcd's in a month or so, MYPAK. and yes...i'am a very big fan of lollywood films! i plan on watching humayon gujjar first. i have heard many good things about it, so i want to ckeck it out first. have u seen it already?!
Posted 17 Jun 2003


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i almost fell off my chair, ustaad jee! LOL. you're a comedian! LOL.

aap ki bath sahee hai. yeh joree romance ke leeya nahi hai. too much age difference. is bath pay aap jeethgay! congrats!

pehlay saima, aur ab shaan ke peechay pargay hain?!!?! vo jaisay roles kartha hai, usko suit karthein hain. aur bath phir aagaee: bottom line, shaan is pakistan's #1 hero, regardless!

a little off topic, lekin tracker bhai, aap pakistan mein rehtein hain?? or are you overseas??!! please don't mind my asking..!
Posted 17 Jun 2003


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hahahahahaha. oh ustaad jee, you're the best. what a joker. LOL. rest assure, i won't commit suicide after watching 30 lollywood movies. if saima is in them, i'm sure i'll survive. lol. u don't worry either saieen jee!

and MYPAK you're 110% right yet again! punjabi movies can make OUTSTANDING MUSIC, regardless of wheather or not the actual movie is a hit. i belive that to be very true. lollywood in general blows bollywood out of the water when it comes to music. we own them! lol.

but shaan and saima are a proven winning pair. who else can they call?!?! new faces are fine but again, they have to have some ability. for example, meera is garbage, in urdu or punjabi movies. she looks damn good, but she can't act if her life depended on it. so we need more people (new) LIKE shaan and saima, who look good and can act properly!

Posted 17 Jun 2003


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i agree with u MYPAK.....pakistan should concentrate on punjabi movies. urdu movies are dominated by bollywood, so why waste our time?! lets go full force and put all of our efforts into punjabi movies!! the only problem is: outside of saima, reema, and sana, no other actress can speak good punjabi. lol. and you're 110% right that saima looks like a "hometown" gal! thats why i like her so much!

u're also right that we need more actresses and actors. but you can't bring in stupid people just for the sake of having a new face. the actor/actress has to have some ability. lol. saima and shaan, who both make the most movies per year, should make less movies and jack up their salary.

i'm on summer holidays, so yes..i plan on watching all 30+ movies!!! LOL. i'll fill you in on which ones are worth watching yourself!
Posted 17 Jun 2003


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vaisay ustaad jee, the hero looks like a black cow, and saima is so white in comparison! they need a new hero! shaan!! lol.
Posted 16 Jun 2003


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thank you for the warm intorduction and the kind names. LOL.

i should be saima's unpaid lawyer. LOL. you're 2 much tracker sahib.

for your kind information saima is only 41 NOT 42!!! lol. when she exits, lollywood will go downhill, just watch!!![;)]

and larki punjaban will be a blockbuster. its only 2 months away. we'll wait till it comes out, and then judge! yeh to mein bhi agree kartha hoon, that the couple (shamyl and saima) looks awkward. LEKIN saima looks fine. she's not ugly or un-heroine-like! she looks fine. maybe they should have gotten shaan, then the couple would look AMAZING. lol. but yes....yeh joree (shamyl/saima)kuch kharab lagtee hai. lol.
lets wait and see how they come off when the movie actually comes out though!!
Posted 16 Jun 2003


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lol. see ustaad jee (tracker)?!?! i have a fellow saima fan in MYPAK! lol. thank u for realizing that i will defend saima till the end, and for saying i'm a good debator! lol. 2-3 saal mein dehktein hain...shaid vo (saima) mother ke role bhi karlay?!?! i will always see her as a heroine though.[:D]

and MYPAK gee...the next saima movie is called LARKI PUNJABAN and it is coming out on AUG. 14 2003! you could say it is pakistan's answer to patriotic indian movies like gaddar and so on. it should be cool...

as for the vcd's...i emailed some guy in pakistan who works for a professional lollywood website, and he says that 95% of pakistani movies are available sooner or later on vcd regardless of wheather or not they were hits. so i'm hoping to get all 30 that i've asked for. LOL. buddah gujjar is a year old so i hope its out now.

and reema...she's cool 2! but saima is the be-all and end-all for me though. lol. the sad thing is...if she is not in a movie (urdu or punjabi) i HONESTLY cannot sit through it. lol. so if reema or noor or whoever else happends to be in a saima movie...i'll get to see them. but i will not go out of my way to watch movies with them alone. lol. sad but tru! either way tho...reema is a close second! noor...not 2 big a fan of hers. lol. sorry. how abt you? which movie r u looking 4ward to seeing mext?!
Posted 16 Jun 2003


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jinaab fast and furious....i was just reading this article which was posted today (june15) and i thought it might interest you?!!! remember u said saima is not the queen/#1 anymore!?!?!!!! well this article states otherwise!

"Lollywood super star Sana can currently be seen working rigorously on her fitness undergoing a very strict routine at a local gym.

Heroine of the Javed Sheikh blockbuster 'Yeh Dil Aap Ka Hua', she has shed the few extra pounds she had and with the unceremonious and unnoticed exit of Reema and Noor and the sporadic appearances of Mira and Zara Sheikh in films, Sana can now be termed the undisputed No. 1 in the Pakistan film industry along with the (aging) Syed Noor favourite Saima. Sana, however nonchalantly shrugs off the No. 1 talk. "I am still enjoying 'Yeh Dil Aap Ka Hua's' success," she says."

dekha?!?!!!! saima IS #1!!!!!!! fast and furious jee shaid aap aur teentracker, aur ffm aur bakee sab log ab meray sath agree karsakthey hain, ke saima IS in fact the undisputed queen, regardless of her age and her weight!!! if u don't belive me, belive the COUNTLESS websites and articles!! chai vo uska mazaak urain yan vo uskay baray mein bura kein...they still maintain that saima is the queen of lollywood! lol.

glad 2 get that off my[:D]
Posted 16 Jun 2003


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khan sahib (fast and furious), i'm very happy that you can atleast admit that saima is a good actress! for me personally, saima is the only one who can act excellently. the rest are average in my opinion. aap ki bath sahee hai...she IS older now, lekin phir bhee...vo achee lagthee hai, koi bhee role mein! i'm not ready to see her as a mother. LOL. maybe in 2-3 more years. lol.

and MYPAK gee, it looks like yourself and myself are finding more and more in common. as far as lollywood goes, i like shaan and saima followed by mommer and reema. abrar ul haq, nusrat fateh ali khan, and ESPECIALLY humaira arshad are my 3 favorites, in the musical category. i got one vcd of abrar entitled "mall-o-mall" which is basically his concert at some mela. and my other vcd is of humaira arshad songs and shaida minee songs. they don't have too many musical vcd's though...

my mom is in our hometown of lahore currently, and i have asked her to bring me 30 vcd's of urdu and mostly punjabi movies, hit or flop who cares?! my theory is: if shaan and ESPECIALLY saima is in it...i'll watch weather or not it was a hit!! specifically i've asked for humayon gujjar, dada badmash, moosa khan, buddah gujjar, sher-e-lahore and so on...all movies with shaan and saima!!!

how about you? u getting any vcds?!!
Posted 16 Jun 2003


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i've heard big things about ydakh. i want to see it!

as for vcd's...i recently went to pakistan and i bought an abrar-ul-haq one and a humaira arshad one. i plan on getting a boatload of lollywood movies next. from what i've been told, almost every lollywood movie (hit or flop) is available on vcd.

and reema....she too is good. after saima, my favorite is reema. i especially liked her in nikki jai haan, which was a punjabi movie. i love punjabi movies! which is your favorite punjabi movie?! for me it has to be mendhi wale hath....fromt he music to the acting the movie was excellent. how abt you?!
Posted 15 Jun 2003


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valaikum-asalaam MYPAK!

same here. i've seen a handful of saima movies, and based on her performance in those i have decided she is the best actress that Pakistan has. sana is saima's heir-apparent. she too is good, and she'll take over punjabi lollywood when saima eventually exits.

you're lucky MYPAK. you're from the U.K...larki punjaban (saima's next movie) is due out on Aug. 14th, and from what is being written, it will be seen in Pakistan and England only (at first). I have 2 wait till it comes out on VCD much later, since i live in canada. lol.

like i said...based on the fact that you and i r the only ones who appreciate saima in this ENTIRE discussion board, it looks like we'll be good friends! may i ask where u're from (which city), in pakistan!?!
Posted 15 Jun 2003


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virgo sahib i don't mind at all! however...aap ke baath half sahee hai aur half ghalat!

you're right ke saima same dresses painthee hai. LEKIN...usko suit bhi vohee dress karthein hain. saima as we all know, is a little healthier than the others, isleeay vo pants paintee achee nahin lagtee. but yes....she wears similar clothes in almost every movie. lol.

as for her hit movies though...yaar...saima ke to hazaar films hit gaeen hain! chooriyan, humayon gujjar, daku rani, nikki kaee haan, menhi wale hath etc. etc.....punjabi cinema kee vo queen hai!!

aur ustaad jee (teentracker)..aap ki bhi bath sahee hai. pakistan keeps going to see similar movies (with gujjar in the title), and that makes the directors continue to produce the same stories over and over. however this problem will be somewhat solved when larki punjaban comes out. propeganda controversy and publicity comes with this movie. as a matter of fact it is pakistan's answer to movies like border, gaddar and so on. so shaid humaree industry is finally waking up, and correcting the problem you stated?!
Posted 14 Jun 2003


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i would have 2 say syed noor.

why u word: choorian.

also because he is making (from what is being written in articles) UMRAO JAAN, whereas everyone else is making heer ranja. originality!
Posted 14 Jun 2003


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mr. fast and the furious, saima aur mr. noor sirf friends hain. [;)]LOL. they r all rumors. don't fall into the media's stories. lol.

aur vasay bhi...chai koi bhi reason ho...she is the queen of lollywood. end of story! jitnay articles lollywood ke baray mein parho gay, saima is regarded as the reigning queen!
the reason does not matter!
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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teentracker bhai...check out my message in the "pehla pehla pyar" post as well! i want to hear u're reply!! lol.
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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hahahahahahahaha!!! she looks like a tamboo. LOL. a goodlooking tamboo yaar.

bas ithna he kafee hai. aapne admit karleea hai ke vo in dono pictures may, achee lagrai hai. even at her age, she looks amazing.

yaar, ithnee achee actress with so much class aur aap sub uskay baray mein ithnee buree cheezein keythe ho?!?!!! in real life you know how humble and quiet she is?! such a nice woman aur aap sub uska mazaak ura rahay ho?!?!!! shame on you guys. lol.

just like steph owns smackdown, same way saima owns lollywood!! aap chai kuch bhee karlo, vo dono (steph, saima) apnee feild may sab say top hain!!!

vaisay mera tag partner kahan gaya hai?!?!! LOL. MYPAK i need to tag u in now. lol. where r u?!
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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LOL. now she's a phupo?!?! i've heard it all now. phupo, aunty, baji...whats next?! lol.

but you r right tracker saab.....we can agree on ANYTHING but lollywood actresses. lol. it does not matter. one minor disagreement.

as 4 wrestling....who is your favorite?! mine is obvisouly hhh!
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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lol. no problem. i've been defending lady saima by myself for so long now, i'm used to it.

as for comparing the guys r right that madhuri is a little better. i can admit that. lekin aisee koi power nahin, jo mera mind badal saktee hai, ke saima is JUST AS GOOD LOOKING. they are the same age and same size also. virgo aur tracker sahib, don't be crazy. madhuri is just as fat as saima, and equally as old.

as 4 chooriyan....teentracker bhai may kiyaa kahoun?!?! loopholes to EVERY MOVIE main hotee hain. chooriyan ki sab se baree bath thee, ke acting was above average. saima and mommer outdid themselves. secondly the music. the music was done exceptionally well. to date, i have yet to hear a lollywood movie soundtrack even comparable to chooriyan's.

bottom line though...logon ne chooriyan ko ithna big deal kisee reason ke leeya banaya tha na?!?!!! aisay to nai na vo blockbuster banee. kuch to usmay special bath thee jo vo puray lollywood ko peechay chor gay! like it or not it set records and standards, i'm sure yiou agree with that?!!!
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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haHAHA! very tru sapna gee.

miss zara apnee taraf se modern ban rahee hai. kitnee buree adath (smoking), even if its for a movie. LOL. shame, shame. lol.

ab mujhe teentracker sahib aur ffm gee ki bath sumage may aiee hai. you're right teentracker sahib, saima aisee actresses ke samne compete nahin kar saktee. she has some class, and will not smoke!! LOL (j/k)

Posted 13 Jun 2003


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lol. a very pretty aunty. lol.
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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the website looks good and so does the movie.

as 4 the hero, lollywood needs more actors that look like shaan and mommer rana. they're cool...these new guys tho...they're 2 brown, and the actresses look so pale when paired with them. lol. but in the end i guess change is good. we'll see when the movie comes out, if this guy can stick around and compete with shaan and mommer.
Posted 13 Jun 2003


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very true, teentracker. we agree on 2 things! and i think you like wrestling as well. i'm a HUGE, HUGE wrestling fan.

but i'm disapointed that even after being from lahore, you don't agree that saima is the undisputed PUNJAB DI KUREE! (queen of lollywood)! everyone else in lahore does, howcome you dont?!?! (j/k)

other than that and our taste in lollywood actresses in general, i think we can agree on anything else. lol.
Posted 12 Jun 2003


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lol. pelvaan gee, if you're lesnar, i'm triple h and saima is my stephanie mcmahon, so you're right...u better be scared of her!! lol. together, with MYPAK (ric flair) we'll take ya'll out. LOL.

going back 2 the topic, you cannot deny that she looks amazing in both pics yaar. be serious now. she looks good, even these days at her age.

Posted 12 Jun 2003


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lol. no big deal.
Posted 12 Jun 2003